; Superior Environmental Remediation 90, Inc. - Mishawaka, Indiana

Airport Runway / Taxiway Deterioration Mapping

Cleared for Runway 9 “Right” Program
SER90, Inc. provided numerous airports with deterioration mapping of runways, taxiways and tug-roads. Our sophisticated GPR system collects scanning data at 35 miles per hour speed with accurate GPS (sub-decimeter corrections), thus reducing runway/taxiway closure time. Our visual inspection is conducted simultaneously and at the same speed using high-resolution video camera system. The visual inspections coupled with GPR data constitute initial screening data. Troubled areas are then identified and a finer scanning grid is utilized to define damaged areas.

Using FWD in conjunction with GPR scans provides time and monetary savings for accurate results every time.

Wide fleet and heavy aircrafts warrants consistent and accurate runway monitoring programs to maintain healthy infrastructures.

Avoid costly damage to fleet by maintaining stable and strong runways and taxiways.

Average stress on each main landing gear is greater than 150,000 pounds, is your runway ready to take the impact.